Support a Unified Voice for the Yuma Vegetable Industry
The Political Action Committee of the Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association supports worthy candidates of any party affiliation for Arizona’s Federal, State, and Local offices who have demonstrated commitment to protecting the best interests of the Yuma produce industry and that of Arizona agriculture.
A diet that includes produce is vital for public health and we seek to elect political leaders that will listen and work to support the efforts of the Yuma agricultural industry to grow, harvest, and supply fresh produce.
The purpose of YFVA PAC is to receive, administer, and expend funds for political purposes in connection with promoting and supporting candidates who are supportive of the Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association’s efforts to protect the Yuma vegetable industry.
Contributions are voluntary. Members have the right to contribute without any advantage conditioned upon making the contributions, or reprisal or threat of reprisal, related to the failure to make a contribution.
Please assist Yuma’s produce industry with amplifying our voice through your contributions to the YFVA PAC.
Contributions to YFVA PAC are not tax deductible as a business expense or as a charitable contribution. YFVA PAC cannot accept corporate contributions.