1 in 4
1 in 4 jobs in Yuma is related to some phase of the agricultural industry.

Arizona Ranks 2nd
Arizona ranks 2nd in Broccoli; Canteloupe; Cauliflower; Honeydew; Lettuce, head and other; Leaf Lettuce; Romaine Lettuce and Spinach in the United States.

Vegetable production takes place from August through April with melon harvest from May to October.

20,000 Workers
Upwards of 20,000 field workers provide daily labor for the vegetable industry.

Skilled Work Force
Many workers cross the border from Mexico on a daily basis to work in the fields.
There is no such thing as an ‘unskilled’ worker.

Facilities supporting the growers and packers include 22 coolers and 10 salad plants.
More than a 1000 trucks per day load vegetables out of Yuma during the season.